Praying for Coona3 min read

Dear friends,
Will you pray with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Coonabarabran this Sunday 19th August 2018?
Coonabarabran churches will be meeting at 1pm in Neilson Park on Sunday 19th August 2018 to pray for rain and for all those affected by the drought. Will you join them?

How has the drought affected Coonabarabran?

Kristian Hartberg paints the picture for us:
“It’s dry, very dry. Since January we have had only 137mm of rainfall, that’s 400mm less than average, and most of that was in January and February. The last 4 months we have only seen 18mm of rain. This has resulted in local farmers running out of feed and now many are running dangerously low on water.

All the crops that would have been normally planted in April for feed and pasture have failed. Most if not all farmers are therefore hand feeding stock with feed that they have had to truck in from where ever they can get it (one family in our church has had to travel to Wagga Wagga to purchase feed).

What is perhaps most worrying is that even if we begin to get some more rainfall (which would be wonderful) the effects of the drought will still be felt for months to come as there will be no stores of feed that they would normally gather from winter crops.

The wider community of Coonabarabran is also feeling the effects of the drought as our town’s water supply is running dangerously low and the local economy is taking a hit. The mood is growing darker with a cloud of anxiety that hangs over the town. Despite the mood it is wonderful to see a community pull together in tough times.

Many struggle to see any hope, as the forecasts for rainfall are not great. But those who hope in Jesus have an anchor for the soul that no circumstance can touch. When the wife of one farmer within our church was asked about how she was going with the drought she replied, “God will bring the rain when He decides – we just have to trust in Him.” It is wonderfully encouraging in tough times to see such faith in action.

Prayer is a God given way that we can share in the burdens and joys of life as we join together in seeking God’s help and wisdom in such a time. Please pray for Coonabarabran and other drought affected communities.”


What can you pray?
  • Pray for drought breaking rain and pray for it to come in the best possible way so that soil erosion doesn’t become a problem.
  • Pray for farmers as they seek to manage and feed their stock.
  • Pray for farming families as they support one another through the drought.
  • Pray that people would place their ultimate hope in Jesus and not fall into despair over the drought.
  • Pray that the town’s water supply would be replenished.
  • Give thanks for the outpouring of love and practical support from the wider church and Australian community.
  • Give thanks for the way the local community pulls together in tough times.
  • Pray for the witness of Christian farmers and the church in our area that we may continue to point people to the certain hope we have in Jesus by proclaiming the good news of Jesus coupled with acts of love.


If you’d like to join the Drought Prayer Partnership please go to our drought partners in prayer page.
If you’d like to contribute to the 2018 Drought Appeal please go to our donation page.
Funds raised will be distributed via local Presbyterian congregations in drought affected areas. They will be spent in the local area which means that local businesses as well as those receiving goods and services purchased will be supported. 100% of funds collected are distributed. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
If you’d like more information please email me at

Kind regards,

Elizabeth McClean