Will you pray for Wee Waa2 min read

Dear friends,

Wee Waa is Australia’s Cotton Capital and is situated in the rich agricultural heartland of the Lower Namoi Valley in North West NSW. With a population of just over 2,000 it services the rural community in the area including villages like Merah North, Spring Plains, Burren Junction, Pilliga and Gwabegar. Like many towns across NSW, Wee Waa is in drought. Many farmers are reducing stock numbers and buying feed for those that are left. Will you pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in this area, and for their communities?

Stephen Bignall writes: “At this time some real points for prayer would be:

  1. Sustained rain (of course) not only for farmers to sow but for water quality and security in our remote communities.
  2. Authentic practical and spiritual engagement as a local church with our wider community members especially farmers but also local families (many young) dependent on rural employment on farms or services for farmers.
  3. For the Lord to guide NGO and governmental services to ensure helpful timely assistance comes to small isolated communities.
  4. For the Lord by His Spirit to draw people to cry out to him; or even to seek answers from Christians and from the Bible, engaging with our church members and minister.
  5. For some of our believing young people who have the courage to live for Jesus among their peers during hard times. They often have opportunity to talk about spiritual realities. For conversations that lead further into Gospel engagements.
  6. For local ministry in pastoral engagement and seeking to apply the truth in a way that will set people free. For youth workers, Scripture and Chaplaincy workers in their support and Bible teaching in our small schools and pastoral care in our hospitals and nursing homes.
  7. For farming kids who have a full school day, and work hard to help on their farms. For their parents who under duress are seeking to nurture their children and strengthen their own marital unions.”

Thank you for partnering with us in prayer.

Kind regards,

Liz McClean