Pray with us for Forster-Tuncurry2 min read

Dear friends,

As we start today will you join us in prayer?

Thank God that He is a merciful God and that He is sovereign. Thank Him for mercies already shown in our present situation. Pray that God would have mercy on us today and ease the predicted weather conditions.

Pray in particular that He would restrict the impact and spread of the the fires that are already burning. Pray that no new fires would start and that any that do are able to be quickly controlled.

Pray that He would protect the lives of those that face fire.

Pray that He would keep our emergency services personnel safe as they seek to protect others. Pray for those in charge of making difficult decisions about deploying personnel, that they would have wisdom.

Pray for those who are grieving loss already sustained and for those that comfort them, that they would know His love.

Ps 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

Will you pray for Forster – Tuncurry?

David Hann writes:
We would welcome and value prayers of our brothers and sisters in our wider body…

Please give thanks:
For the wonderful efforts of the Fire Services in protecting lives and properties.

That though some of our Church members who live both in town and at Tallwoods Village to the north have experienced evacuations in the past week, they are mostly back in their homes now.

That though yards have been burnt and the stress on those involved is showing, the Lord’s grace is at work with many looking out for each other. We have also experienced His sovereign mercy in that nobody in our immediate network has been injured or lost a home.

Please pray:
For the Lord to protect those on the frontline of the fires; those fighting and those who find themselves in dangerous situations, particularly with the possibility of worsening weather conditions.

For the Holy Spirit to open non-believers in our community to the truth behind the fallen world in which we live and the sure hope of the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

For Christians to be confident and engaging in sharing Christ’s love in word and deed.

Thank you again for your support and prayers. We are very grateful.

Kind regards,


Thank you for praying with us.

Kind regards,

Liz McClean
Jericho Road