The Imago Dei Disability Advocacy Tour2 min read

As Jericho Road’s Disability Advocate, Rev. Jason Forbes, has a passion for equipping churches to respond to the needs of people with disabilities.

We believe that every person is made in the image of God, no matter what their abilities, challenges or setbacks may be. Jason himself has Cerebral Palsy and through his lived experience, as well as his theological training, he speaks to why disability inclusion is so important for churches. In the words of Jason himself, “The gospel is inclusive, therefore churches should be inclusive”.

Jason will be setting off on his ‘Imago Dei’ Disability Tour in the first half of 2022, sharing at Presbyterian Churches across NSW. 

It is our hope that every church will take the opportunity to hear Jason’s personal perspective, strong gospel message and his unique sense of humour.

Jason Profile Pic
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Rev. Jason Forbes - The 'Imago Dei' Disability Advocacy Tour

In the second half of 2021 to the first half of 2022, Jericho Road Disability Advocate, Rev. Jason Forbes will be guest speaking around NSW and ACT. 

Book your church's spot today.

PCNSW Churches
First half of 2022

2 thoughts on “The Imago Dei Disability Advocacy Tour2 min read

  1. Beverley Blizard Reply

    Lovely to see you again Jason, great promotion. Hope you could come to Springwood some time for everyone here to get to know you and of course to visit with us Bev and Ray. Much love and many blessings!

  2. Pingback: The Church Needs a Better Understanding of Her Saviour - Jericho Road

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