Dear Friends,
Firstly, we wanted to say thank you for the outpouring of support in prayer and in donations to the Flood Appeal. We have been in contact with many churches and are distributing funds to help where needed most. These churches are asking for your prayers at a time where there is a huge journey ahead of them. Knowing that the PCNSW community are praying for them is immensely encouraging and we know that our good God hears our prayers and is walking beside them.
Murwillumbah Presbyterian Church
- Whilst the church members were mostly spared from serious loss, many of their neighbours, only metres away, lost everything.
- Pray that amidst this emotional time of relief and shock that they would be filled with compassion for those around them and be equipped to assist.
- Ask that God would show the churches how to best use opportunities to serve others. Many people are very eager to help but in all the chaos it is hard to know where to begin.

- Pray for a family that had water 4 ft deep go through their home. They have temporary accommodation but have uncertainty around where they will go after that runs out.
- There is a strong community spirit in the town, with a lot of people getting involved in the clean up. But there is also a lot of anger and frustration in the community towards the authorities. Pray that the church members can be a light in these conversations, and speak with grace and humility when people are angry and resentful.
Evans Head Presbyterian Church
- Thank God for the way that people who have lost everything are able to have their immediate needs cared for by different groups in the community.
- Pray that God will help the Evans Head congregation figure out the best way forward as they support the town from their church building. There are hundreds of people staying in the evacuation centres around town who are in very vulnerable situations.
- Thank God for the love being demonstrated in this crisis – ask that He would provide what is needed for the 10 or so families in the congregation, who can’t stay in their homes, as they start their recovery process.
- Pray that government assistance would be easily obtained and clarity will emerge around things like insurance claims and assessments.
- Pray for energy and practical wisdom as the church manages their pop-up centre.
Southern Cross Presbyterian Church
- Pray for energy for everyone – their church staff and leaders especially. Ask that God will give them wisdom as they make decision after decision about what to do next.
- Thank God for the way He is clearly working through this disastrous situation. There are so many opportunities for the church to be shining a light in the community
- Pray for resilience, patience and grace as the church members open their homes to others. There are around 20 families in the congregation who have had significant loss of either homes or businesses. Pray for good communication and gentleness as they manage the collective stress and trauma of the situation.
- There are so many people staying in the evacuation centres at the moment who have nowhere else to do. Pray that God would mercifully provide for the town as it faces a huge need for housing.
Mullumbimby Presbyterian Church
- Pray for the church members who have been working long days for over a week now, assisting with the clean up effort. Pray that they will find opportunities to rest and recover so they can continue to serve others.
- The congregation has a number of older people who need help getting things back in order. Pray that the younger members of the community will be equipped to assist in these efforts.
- Pray for a family connected to the church who has lost their residence. The church is looking for somewhere for them to live, but there is such a housing shortage that this is proving extremely difficult.
General Prayer:
- Pray for the mental health of individuals impacted by the devastation of these past 2 weeks. As people process these traumatic events and come to terms with their loss, pray that God would fill them with peace.
- Pray for the children and young people in the affected areas who may be feeling fearful and unsettled. Pray that God’s comfort would surround families.
- Pray for the many school students facing yet another year of disrupted schooling. Some schools in the Northern Rivers region have had to close for the year and will be transferring students to other schools. Some students lost laptops and school work in the damage as well. Ask that they would find the support they need and will turn to God through this experience.
- Pray for family members who may still be separated due to limited access into certain areas.

Thank you for praying with and for our brothers and sisters in these places.
Kind regards,
The Jericho Road Team

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