Dear friends,
As you know, Allowah has had a rough couple of years financially due to COVID-19. We have been working on obtaining government funding for the past 12 months, however it’s now looking like that won’t be an option, at least in the short term. Unfortunately, that means that we will come to the end of our internal resources before we are able to get services and admissions back to a sustainable level.
We are launching a campaign in order to help keep our doors open, and we only have a couple of months to raise the funds we need. Please SHARE, DONATE and FUNDRAISE. And if you have any media or corporate sponsorship contacts we would love to hear from you.
Please visit the fundraising page to find out more.
We want to thank the many people who have reached out in support. Your kind words, prayers and offers of support mean the world to us, the families and the children we care for. While we are disappointed that the government funding we had hoped for has not eventuated in time, we are hopeful that God will continue to provide for Allowah. We have always relied on donations from generous people who give as much as they can afford, and that looks like the way we will be able to continue. Please pray with us that whatever happens God will be glorified and the children and their families will have the support they need.
Kind regards,