Dear friends,
As you know, in April this year it became apparent that our internal resources would likely be depleted before we could rebuild admissions and programs at Allowah to a sustainable level. We launched a fundraising campaign with the aim of raising $2m to keep our doors open. We have now received just over $930,000 in donations to keep this vital ministry going. Praise God! We have also seen our programs reopen with new children attending and old ones returning, which has decreased our expected operating loss for this year. And we have received $148,000 in government grants with another $90,000 on the way. While we have not yet reached our $2m mark, all this adds up and means that Allowah can keep going into 2023!
What an answer to prayer! Our God is a merciful and faithful God. And what brings great joy to our hearts is that His people in the Presbyterian Church have shown such commitment to this ministry and the children at Allowah. We have had a few large donations, but we have hundreds and hundreds of individual donors from Presbyterian Churches who have given as they can, as well as congregations, youth groups and PWAs (bless you ladies). Much of the funds raised have been from within the Presbyterian Church, with so many making it clear that it is a commitment not just for this year but for the long haul. Thank you for getting us this far. Your support means the world to the children, their families and the Allowah team. And thank you for your commitment to continuing to walk beside us into the future.
The struggle for Allowah is not over. Without your incredible support we would not have made it through 2022, and we will need your support in 2023. We are going to need you to keep supporting us; through praying, through volunteering, through sharing our social media posts, by telling your friends about Allowah, by writing to politicians when we need you to, by spreading the word however you can, through fundraising and through donations. And we will keep working to build a sustainable future for Allowah. One of our hopes is that in 2023 we will be able to establish an Allowah Foundation that will lay the groundwork for financial security long into the future. Please pray for wisdom for our leadership teams and that whatever happens God will be glorified and the children and their families will be supported.
The future viability of Allowah, and indeed of all of Jericho Road, is not possible without the active support of PCNSW through engagement with and support of Jericho Road programmes, and we are very thankful to all of you who partner with us so generously. If you haven’t already, why not join us on Jericho Road, and see the Lord’s justice and mercy in action?
Kind regards,
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

Become a monthly giver
A little can go a long way to help Allowah, now and into the future. A monthly donation allows us to take a planned, long-term approach.

- $10/mth = Help with everyday essentials for our kids
- $20/mth = Help with therapy and support staff for the kids
- $50/mth = Help with staffing costs for kids who need that little bit extra
- $100/mth = Help provide much needed respite for a family in need
- $200/mth = Help cover the gap between health cover and the cost of care