Every bit helps us to continue to work together to show that we, like the Samaritan, are ready to be the people who love our neighbours. You can donate by sending us a cheque, direct deposit or online. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

You can donate:

Online: Complete the form below to donate online

By phone using a credit card – Please call our Finance Team on Ph: 1300 JERICHO

By mail using cheque or credit card – Please download the donation form here.

By direct deposit to our bank account –

Account Name – Presbyterian Social Services
BSB – 032-143
Account – 77 1642
Please include “JR Donation” in the description. If you would like a receipt please email our Finance Team at pssaccounts@pcnsw.org.au with the date of the donation, the amount and your details.

By leaving a legacy – Please download the bequest information sheet here.

Through your workplace – Please talk to your pay office about workplace giving.

Nominate a program/ministry you would like these funds to be used for.

Donation Details

Payment Details

Contact Details

Hidden Fields

The ATO advises that if you use the web or phone to make a donation over $2, your web receipt or credit card statement is sufficient. If you contributed through ‘workplace-giving’ your payment summary shows the amount you donated. However, if you would like a receipt from us and you do not automatically receive one please email our Finance Team on pssaccounts@pcnsw.org.au or call on Ph: 1300 JERICHO and we would be very happy to provide one.

Thank you for your donation. If you have nominated a specific area for your donation to be used we will allocate it to that ministry. From time to time needs change and so we may need to reallocate your donation. If we need to do this we will allocate it to a ministry as closely aligned to the original purpose as possible. Please contact our Partner Ministries Team at partnerministries@jerichoroad.org.au if you need more information. Please also note that up to 5% of donated funds may be allocated for the administration of Jericho Road.