From Disorder to Order

We have seen how from disorder God made the heavens and the earth. This gives us a rock-solid basis for confidence that God can and will bring order to disorder in our lives. Whether it is personal, political, spiritual in our relationship with God, or devotional. God’s purposes for us may not be as we would wish. But we can be confident that it will be for his glory, and better than any of us can possibly imagine.

Book Review: Christopher Ash’s “Zeal without Burnout”

To avoid burnout, Ash reminds us that we are not God. Unlike God, we need sleep, days off, friends, refreshment (inward renewal). We need to avoid the trap of seeking renown and glory. We need to be mindful that our ministry is worth it, even when things don’t go to plan, and that it is God’s work. Finally, we need to delight in the grace of being in a saving relationship with God, and not in his gifts.