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Disability Advocacy Visits

Rev. Jason Forbes is available to travel throughout NSW and the ACT visiting PCNSW churches to meet and share his knowledge around disability and inclusive ministry.

Meet Jason: Q&A sessions

Start the conversation at your church

Meet Jason: Q&A Session

These sessions are a great first step for your church.

Why not line up Jason to visit your Bible Study or Fellowship groups during the week or organise an evening event?

In these sessions, the group will:

    • Hear Jason's testimony and about his experience living with Cerebral Palsy
    • Explore the idea of 'Imago Dei' – the gospel and disability
    • Have Question and Answer time with Jason

Groups no greater than 15 people are recommended to allow for an interactive session where people feel comfortable to ask questions.

Sessions are around 1 - 1 ½ hours in length.

If you want more information, contact Jason at jforbes.disabilityadvocate.pss@gmail.com

Click here to make a booking

“It was very interesting to hear about his life experience and how we as Christians can interact with people with disabilities, as people, but also keeping in mind their life differences.”

Host a Luke14 workshop

Dig deeper and get practical

Host a Luke14 Workshop

Once your congregation has had a chance to meet Jason, a great next step is hosting a Luke14 Workshop, facilitated by Jason.

With 5 great topics to choose from, these sessions allow you to delve into a particular aspect of disability in relation to ministry. Each workshop is 2 hours in length.

You may want to set aside a day to cover two topics as a church group, with a lunch break in between.

Workbooks are provided to each participant. The cost to attend the workshop is on a ‘Give what you can’ basis but with a guide of $20 pp.

If you want more information, contact Jason at jforbes.disabilityadvocate.pss@gmail.com

Click here to make a booking
Invite Jason to Preach or Speak

Hear from God's Word

Invite Jason to Preach or Speak

Take a deep dive into disability and the gospel.

Jason is an ordained Presbyterian minister with a passion for teaching God's Word. He completed his Masters in Theology with a focus on Jesus’ healing ministry in the gospels to people with disabilities.

Jason is available to speak at your church, retreat, camp or seminar. He can provide additional resources to assist those who may initially find his speech hard to understand.

If you want more information, contact Jason at jforbes.disabilityadvocate.pss@gmail.com

Click here to make a booking

"Jason has one of the most powerful messages I've ever heard. Because his Gospel message is an embodied message. He spoke about being made in the image of God, how that is our value - not in our various abilities. That was powerful enough. But when he explained how Christ is the perfect true image of God, and that my calling is exactly the same as his calling - to be like Christ in humility and love - I could see that's what he's doing with his life and his ministry. And that I'm being called to do the same.

I don't think I've cried in a Zoom-message from a preacher.
But that day I did."

My client name

Interested, but not sure where to begin?

Get in touch to discuss how Jason could equip your church.

Email the team at: partnerministries@jerichoroad.org.au


Upcoming Visits

Visit to Tweed Heads Presbyterian Church

More details to come! 

18 Florence St, Tweed Heads NSW 2485
Sun, 30 Oct 2022

Donate to our Chaplaincy Appeal this month and help transform lives.