
This Christmas, we can show the love of Jesus through practical assistance, providing food hampers and gifts that have been packed with love.

Each year we distribute hampers to congregations so that they can be given to people who are finding life difficult and need a helping hand. We want the hampers to help create opportunities for you to connect with people in your community and show love in a practical way. The hampers contain food and gifts and each year they are given as an expression of Jesus’ love, letting people know that we are thinking of them at the time of our great Saviour’s birth.


Thank you to everyone who was part of 2023’s Packed with Love – what an incredible effort and impact we have seen! 

We look forward to doing it all again later this year – register your interest in getting involved by emailing the team

Nominate Recipients

Request hampers and gifts

Would you and your church like to give something to those in need in your community?

Maybe it’s a family (or multiple families) that you know have had it tough this year. You could use the giving of a hamper as an opportunity to connect with them and show them that you care. 

If you have people in mind, you can nominate them to receive a hamper. We’d provide it to you and your church to give it to them personally.

Even if you’re not in Sydney, we’d love to enable the giving of hampers and there’s a couple of ways we can get them to you!


Thank you to everyone who has nominated people to receive hampers and gifts this year.

Contribute to Hampers

Donate funds

To be able to provide hampers outside of Sydney, we need funds. If you’d like to assist us with this and enable our regional churches to bless their local areas in this way, please donate funds to the project. To donate, click the button below and choose the option “Christmas hampers” as the purpose of donation.

Donate goods

We will be collecting food items and gift items to be packed into the hampers. If you think your church would be able to contribute, we’d love to hear from you.

We will be accepting contributions from mid-October until mid-November 2023. 

(We will provide further information on the items we need early to mid October. Get in touch if you want more details: partnerministries@jerichoroad.org.au) 

There are several drop-off locations around Sydney, we might also be able to arrange to pick up goods from you. Get in touch to arrange drop-off or pick-up but clicking the button below.

It would be really helpful for our team if you could double-check that all your donations are undamaged and in-date (not expiring or best-before 01/02/2024).

If you are able to count the number of each type of item and let us know, that’d also save us a lot of time when figuring out if we have enough. (For example: “Rice – 17 bags, Cereal – 12 boxes” or “250 x canned fish”)

Volunteer your Help

Help pack hampers and gifts

Once we’ve collected all the goods and finalised our list of recipients, we hold a big packing weekend. It’s a huge task to put together the food boxes and allocate gift items, so we’d love all the help we can get! There’s all sorts of jobs that need doing, such as labelling boxes, sorting items, selecting gifts, taping hampers, and more! 

If you’re in Sydney and are willing and able to join us at the packing location at GracePoint Presbyterian Church in Lidcombe at some point during the packing week, we’d love your help. Packing will take place from Sunday 26th Nov to Saturday 2nd Dec 2023. At various points throughout that week, there will be plenty of things to do to put together the hampers and gifts.

Send us an email if you’re interested to find out more or to put your name down as a volunteer!

Help transport and deliver

At the end of the packing process, we’re left with stacks of food boxes and gifts that need to be taken to various places and churches for distribution. It you’ve got a large car or trailer, and a bit of free time, we’d love your help to get the hampers where they need to go. Fuel costs will be covered.

We aim to have all hampers and gifts delivered or collected by Sunday 3rd December 2023. If you’re interested in helping out, get in touch with the team.


Food items

Contact the team to find out what items are most needed, or if you think you can contribute a large amount of something!

GIFT items

A small gift will be given in the hampers, and we try to provide a gift for every child and teen based on age and gender.

Please leave the gifts unwrapped so we can see what it is.

Click on the category to see some suggested items for each age group:

    • colouring pencils
    • ball
    • activity book
    • doll
    • soft toy
    • blocks
    • hat
    • or similar!
    • board game
    • sporting equipment
    • book
    • pencil case
    • stationary
    • skipping rope
    • craft kit
    • or similar!
    • watch
    • USB drive
    • drink bottle
    • book
    • art set
    • sporting equipment
    • bag or backpack
    • puzzles
    • sunglasses
    • or similar!
    • personal care items
    • stationary
    • candle
    • sunglasses
    • drink bottle
    • earphones
    • socks
    • or similar!
Want to get involved?

Contact the us at partnerministries@jerichoroad.org.au.

Cut-off dates:

Nominations: Mon 7th Nov 2022

Contributions: Mon 21st Nov 2022

Volunteer Sign-up: Wed 30th Nov 2022

Hamper Pick-Up: Sat 17th Dec 2022

Contact the us at partnerministries@jerichoroad.org.au.

Cut-off dates:

Nominations: Mon 7th Nov 2022

Contributions: Mon 21st Nov 2022

Volunteer Sign-up: Wed 30th Nov 2022

Hamper Pick-Up: Sat 17th Dec 2022

Have a question? Click below to get in touch with the Partner Ministries team.