Stories from the front line1 min read

A few weeks ago, we spent a wonderful hour on Zoom, hearing from your Jericho Road Chaplains about the important work that they do in Hospitals, Correctional Centres and with Emergency Services. 

It was moving to hear about the lives that are being changed by the care, the prayer and the gospel message shared with people experiencing, what is often, the lowest point in their lives. 

We heard from Jericho Road Chaplains; Rochelle, Tim and Allan, and they gave us a glimpse into the work they do. If you missed the event, you can watch a shortened version below:

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There is a gap in chaplaincy funding.

Whilst government subsidies cover part of the cost of our chaplaincy, we still rely on individuals and churches generously supporting this important ministry. Please consider helping financially toward the important work that our Chaplains do, either through a one-off or a regular donation. To donate, click below and select 'Chaplaincy' as your purpose.

1 thought on “Stories from the front line1 min read

  1. Pingback: When God makes a way - Jericho Road

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