
Getting Involved in Packed with Love

Resources you might need for sharing about Packed with Love

We’ve prepared some resources below that we believe will be helpful in explaining what Packed with Love is, and how your church can get involved and participate. Explore the page to and grab the files you think would be most helpful for your audience.

Suggested words for announcement:

“Each year, Jericho Road distributes food hampers and gifts to congregations so that they can be given to people who are finding life difficult and need a helping hand. The hampers help create opportunities for churches to connect with people in their community and show love in a practical way. The hampers contain food and gifts and each year and they are given as an expression of Jesus’ love, letting people know that Christians in their community are thinking of them at the time of our great Saviour’s birth.

Some of the groups that Jericho Road provides the hampers and gifts to are refugee families, individuals facing homelessness and families struggling to get by, nominated by Presbyterian Churches and organisations.

We can get involved by donating a food item needed, or by volunteering to help pack the boxes – this year it is being held at Macquarie Chapel and you can register to volunteer for a morning, afternoon or evening slot across the week, from Friday 29th Nov to Thursday 5th Dec. This is a great opportunity to serve and enjoy fellowship with others in our denomination.”


Click on the image of button for the graphic you wish to download. Right-click and select ‘Save image as’.


If your church is collecting a particular food item, you may want to use the graphic and details below in your church communications:

Click on the image of button for the graphic you wish to download. Right-click and select ‘Save image as’.


Click on the image of button for the graphic you wish to download. Right-click and select ‘Save image as’.




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Got questions? Contact Elissa:

0491 157 546 | partnerministries@jerichoroad.org.au

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