We’ve prepared some resources below that we believe will be helpful in explaining what the chaplains do, why they need support and how we can support them. Explore the page to and grab the files you think would be most helpful for your audience.
“As a church, we’re partnering with Jericho Road Chaplaincy. Chaplaincy plays a vital role in sharing the hope, love, and grace of Christ in places like prisons, hospitals, and emergency services. Their work reaches those who often have no other opportunity to hear the gospel, and they need our financial support to continue this ministry. I also encourage you to join us in a special prayer meeting on Saturday, October 26th, to pray for our chaplains and the lives they are impacting.”
Facebook: www.facebook.com/presbyterianjerichoroad
Instagram: www.youtube.com/@jerichoroadpresbyterian
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@jerichoroadpresbyterian
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/jericho-road
Link to Chaplaincy Appeal page: jerichoroad.org.au/chaplaincy-appeal