Prayer Update from the Jericho Road Team – August/September6 min read

Jericho Road

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Philippians 1:3-6


Thank you so much for partnering with Jericho Road in prayer. We are so thankful for our God’s faithful provision for Jericho Road and your prayers are a very important part of that. Thanks for praying!

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From Liz McClean

CEO of Jericho Road

  • Praise God for His continued goodness to Allowah. Pray for the kids, that they stay well and happy.
  • Thank God for the opportunities that Jericho Road has in providing care and support to people in need in so many ways. Thank Him for the resources to provide practical care and a listening ear.
  • Thank God for the faithful women of the PWA who support Jericho Road in so many ways.
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Andrew Adams

From Andrew Adams

Refugee & Cross-Cultural Support Worker

Thanksgiving and praise God:

  • For the oil and rice from the girls at PLC for distribution by Sydney Refugee Team.
  • For Orange Presbyterian Church and their Community Refugee Integration and Settlement Pilot (CRISP) program group who supports the Afghan family of six.
  • Continue to pray for the family as they settle and learn English and that the girls will develop friendships at school.
  • For the second CRISP group that will sponsor another refugee family.

Please pray for:

  • Those in our Federal Government as they decide on the applications 70,000 people who have sought protection in Australia.
  • The approx. 15,000 of those people – including children, the elderly, and people with disabilities – would receive support to help them survive while they wait.
  • ESL (English as a Second Language) classes as a means to share the gospel with migrants and refugees. Pray for the many faithful volunteers in PCNSW who offer their time and friendship to serve.
Jason Forbes

From Jason Forbes

Disability Advocate

  • Praise God for his steadfast love and his concern for the lowly and disenfranchised.
  • Praise God for his grace, and all he provides so that we can serve and worship him.
  • Praise God for his word and the time I’ve had to reflect on the importance of thankfulness, and the significance of Jesus’ healing ministry.
  • Pray that churches will embrace people with disabilities as a means of living out the gospel so that God will be glorified.
Vera Buvcevska

From Vera Buvcevska

Acting Director, CPU

  • Give thanks for the support at General Assembly for the changes to Breaking the Silence. Pray for smooth delivery of BTS 2023.
  • Pray for the team at this time of transition that we will trust God and look to Him.
  • Give thanks for recent BTS rep info sessions and Understanding and Responding to Domestic Violence training sessions which were received well.
  • Pray for those who have been abused and continue to experience the effects of this, and those who support them – to know God’s love, healing and sustaining power.
Joseph Park

From Joseph Park

Senior Chaplain

Praise points:

  • For the resilient chaplains in the hospitals, prisons, police and emergency services. They are holding their posts with tenacity and obedience to God, who has called them to the hard places in the community.
  • For Ian, whose support to the NSW Police community is much appreciated, especially over critical incidents.
  • For Sam who is new to the team at Parklea with Tim Wilson. He has settled well into the community in Parklea.
  • For speaking opportunities in the first half of the year. As a team, we have spoken to over 10 different churches and meetings about chaplaincy, with more coming in the next half of the year. We are grateful for the invitations and the interest in hearing what God is doing in the hidden places of our community.
  • For good connection with the delegates in General Assembly in July.

Please pray for:

    • The unity and restored functioning of the chaplaincy team at Prince of Wales hospital. 
    • A strong number of enrolments for the Love Your Neighbour (LYN) Introductory Pastoral Care course that is running in November.
    • Good health both physically and mentally for all our chaplains.
Bernadette Reyes

From Bernadette Reyes

Early Childhood Services Manager

Giving thanks for:

  • NAIDOC week celebrations in July.
  • The privilege of serving children and their families in preschool, long day care and out of school hours care settings.

Please pray for:

  • Wisdom and guidance for our service directors in meeting many ongoing and competing requirements, e.g. the financial accountability reports for each service recently were a lot of work!
Jon Flood

From Jon Flood

Director, Partner Ministries

Giving thanks for:

  • The opportunity to visit churches to share about what God’s doing on Jericho Road.
  • Our Community Services student Jasmine completing her project on emergency response processes with us.
  • New staff members joining the team.
  • God continuing to pour out His generosity through his people’s prayers, volunteering and financial support.

Please pray for:

  • Wisdom in planning and knowing what priorities to focus on. There are always so many opportunities on Jericho Road. 😊
  • As we grow ministries and partnerships, that we keep a firm focus on serving Jesus and the Presbyterian Church.
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